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This article is a great read it! And the most recent news tidbit from the showbiz For best reading photos and videos on most stylish Slovak feminine webmagazin the most interesting information only for men The most attractive crautos interviews, stories and reports the
Hard blow for Varholíkovú-Rezešová: That with which it counted, the Hungarians ticked! Today begins the seventh court hearing crautos with millionaire heiress Eva Varholíkovou-Rezešová (36) in the Hungarian court in Gödöllő.
Varholíková sitting crautos in jail since the accident, which has become even last year 21 August and died there four Hungarians. Eva However, according to expert testimony was driving under the influence of alcohol and rode at high speed. On today's hearing finally arrived and Rezešová ex-partner Erik Fischer. And he had done it properly. crautos
Followed crautos by a 10-minute break! Judge it comes to decide on house arrest.
In Varholíková spoke: "I want to go under house arrest, and I promise that in any event not escape and meet all the conditions. Highly me missing children crautos and I find it. Way I would at least have the opportunity to meet with them!"
The judge stood down for a lawyer to clearly see.
The court today were summoned and pathologists crautos who participated in the previous hearing. Doctors had to answer the question whether the victim survived crautos the collision, if permitted speed Rezešová go and sacrifice speed of 110 km / h. Doctors agree that it would survive.
Doctors developed jointly review. crautos Injuries have divided into groups, depending on what the speed difference between cars. Difference crautos of 30 km / h .. Minimum healing time is 8 days. Varholíková but went 165 km / h. and Fiat Punto 98 km / h. 0-10 km/hod.- no injuries, 11-20 km / h. minor injuries, 21-30 km / h. minor injuries, in exceptional cases, fractures or bruises.
Specialist Kofalvi says: "Blinded may take 3 seconds. All I can say subjective crautos opinion., But when the lights are set incorrectly, it can blind." Both experts are not able to accurately convey the blinding lights. These are conjectures.
Melegh argues that if Rezešová went permissible speed of 130 km / h and victims of car 110 km / h, the tank would be damaged and the car had burned.
Also spoke Rezešová! The judge gave the word Varholíkovej. She said that Fischer's wife was on alcohol abuse treatment. crautos Fischer later said that Rezešová had problems with alcohol. Her mother sent her to Hungary to give her suppositories for 12 months. Fischer added that before Rezešová mom has respect only because of age and because she is a woman.
"Denounce absolutely crautos right," says Fischer. According to him, it is very difficult to answer the question crautos whether Eva is a bad mother because of her upbringing are bad and good things. "In addition to the circus and its excesses, I could not blame anything substantial. Rezešová Here stood up and participated in the hearing." Together we raise children, "says Eva, adding that took care of his child because his wife was treated for alcoholism. When However, Fischer asked if he thinks about himself on being a good father, a judge stopped her.
Rezešová ex Erik Fischer also confirmed that it came from Eve incomprehensible sms. He further stated that he had information that at the time Eve buying crautos alcohol. "They told me you bought vodka gas station. But I do not know what it was vodka," says Fischer. crautos The question Rezešová lawyer about the accident at his home, says well: during the collision, truck seen, only heard him. Then he saw the outgoing car - the BMW X5.
Fischer also confirmed that Rezešová had implantation. Rezešová evening before the accident had come to his house and crashed into a neighbor's fence. crautos Fischer did not remember exactly when the incident occurred. "It was between half a second and the second about," he said. Do not know, however, confirm with certainty that the car drove really his expartnerka Rezešová. However, the fence was in his words really damaged. When he heard blow, came to the window and looked out, there was not nobody.
The judge asked, "It happened sometime during your cohabitation with her, saw that the alcohol?" Fischer: "It was not regular, but it happened." Judge: "drove under the influence of alcohol?" Fischer: "Yes!" He added that after alcohol used to be hysterical. "I never knew what to expect from her when drunk," Fischer concluded his testimony.
Before a judge at this point Magyar expert came forward.
The judge began hearing the break to announce that Rezešová Fischer ex-partner will terminate on 45 minutes, since he did not appear on time at 8:30. ! Accounts of maneuvers Fiat Punto now progressing on schedule, then interrupted and the court shall hear and finally said Fischer.
Judge asks each expert, et al
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