Thursday, December 12, 2013

N @ tty Potterzz W ellcome:) Hope u enjoy reading. Blogs are used to record knowledge in the classr

CAS is a hosted service for users by providing information about the latest changes in the field or interested to know about users. (Hamilton, 1995:3)
CAS is a service that notifies users about any of the information contained in the library to users in many different forms. Is referred to by many names, such as Alerting Services, Individual Article forte Services forte etc..
Notify CAS document Research papers, websites, discussion groups, publications / databases / Internet, News, Note forecasts, market information.
------> Documents forte Required For people in In Quick Time The purpose of CAS CAS is meant to meet the needs of the users to the modern information. Save time user And allow users to access information more easily.
Source of CAS comes from the circulation of documents. By presenting a copy of the cover, News, Newsletter. Circulating offshoot agencies or branches. Then bring the advantages of information technology used - is the user who is not easy to come to the library to access information is a disadvantage - on to the final document, then the document may be out of date. There is also the risk of damage or malfunctioning of the document and also the added burden of librarians as well. Showcasing a new information resource - the venue. Should be held in a user over time. Attracted or placard - exhibited by categorizing information - duration of the exhibition. Most about 2 weeks - are allowed during forte the show - the technical action before being displayed. Such information before posting The alert may be multiple channels - such as notification via telecommunication: Phone, E-mail (quick and easy) - other formats: News on the web, RSS News Feeds. Etc..
N @ tty Potterzz W ellcome:) Hope u enjoy reading. Blogs are used to record knowledge in the classroom. View my complete profile
2011 (8) July (5) CAS (Current Awareness Services): P DD: Document Delivery; P Services Book :) the ILL: D fines in borrowing - night (June (3).
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