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Still unsolved problem (Image Source: play / CopyTrans)
Just like last update of iOS, some users of specific versions of the iPhone began reporting problems related to their WiFi connections classic cars According to dozens of people who demonstrated in Apple's forums some appliances model 4S Apple simply failed to connect to any WiFi network The button to turn the connection does not respond to touches and, when trying to do the procedure through the Settings menu of the device, classic cars the screen is frozen without explanation.
The problem does not seem to affect all iPhones 4S, but a good portion of the problems that users face, for now, does not have an official solution or any other type. Still, there are reports that heat the machine until it display the alert temperature and then cool it off can resolve the situation for a while. This, however, is not definitive and the process is highly inadvisable.
Apple has not commented on the matter, not even giving customers a notice that is working to resolve the fault as you usually do in such cases. Sought by UOL, the Brazilian classic cars subsidiary of Apple would not comment.
As the problem still has no solution or even a date to be fixed, we advise anyone with an iPhone 4S to not update the iOS to version 7.1. Although not affect all users, not worth the risk for now. Source
April 8, 2014
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