Friday, June 27, 2014

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February 14 - Surrounded with mercy: God Promises Thesaurus - CH Spurgeon - Daily Meditations
Nice reward assured confidence! Lord, I receive it in full! More than any other soul, sinful man feels confident; but behold, his grace is ready. He knows he does not deserve mercy; but she comes over him and he is given abundantly. God, please give me the grace to trust in You!
Look, my soul, what guard you were ready! As a prince surrounded by his soldiers, so you are surrounded by mercy. In front, behind, on all sides can see the guard of grace. You find yourself right in the middle, if you stay in the Lord Christ.
What air you breathe in there, my soul! As you surround the air you breathe, so God's love surround you. For the wicked are great evils; but you are so many graces that troubles are not mentioned. David says: "You, the righteous rejoice in the Lord and be glad, rejoice all ye right of heart." And listening to this lust, my heart will show her joy. As Thou hast surrounded with thy mercy, and I will surround your altar with thanksgiving.
June 2014 MTWTFSS May 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 Recent Comments Angela Ekklesia Island on 28 August - In any event Cristian D on October 9 - What sanctifies our gifts? Cornelius on April 8 - Keep up to the end of Cornelius on April 7 - Without fear people Cornelius on April 4 - Wasps Lord

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