Many of the students came to talk to us about their problems and trying, especially Davy, to always be available motocross from the first month of the semester, we were faced with a major problem: homosexuality. motocross He came to us a girl who wanted to talk to Davy alone; then a boy who wanted to talk to us both. They came to us because we were Christians. Our perspective prior to converting to Christianity was one tolerant: if people felt so good, why not? And among our very dear friends are a lesbian, a lovely lady. But now, as Christians, what do I have? I did not know. I knew that St. Paul was emphatic about it; but maybe it refers only to sexual relations, homosexual, excluding the feeling of love. Sexual relationship called God. Love may be a Christian, even marriage between same-sex motocross partners, which included homosexual relationship, but it was dominated by it? I did not know. Our pastor believes that this was impossible, in the end I wrote to CS Lewis about this issue, motocross and on prayer - were holy prayers, like those raised by Davy and Julian motocross effective because of their merits? [...] Here is his letter:
"I saw less than you, but more than I wanted related to this terrible plague. I will discuss your letter with those who consider them to be wise in Christ. This is only a interim information. First, motocross to mark the boundaries of our entire discussion, out of the belief that the physical satisfaction of homosexual desires is a sin. That does not mean that a homosexual is in a less favorable position motocross than a normal person motocross who, for various reasons, could not get married. Secondly, our speculations about the cause of this anomaly does not matter so much and have to deal with the idea that we do not know much in this area. Disciples were not told why (in terms of actual cases) man born blind (John 9: 1-3), but the final cause: for the works of God should be reproved in his life. This fact suggests that homosexuality, like any other affliction, such works can be shown: that just this infirmity hide a call, it just needs to be discovered, which will 'change motocross need in a glorious win '. Of course the first step must be to accept any hardship, if such impotence, we can get legitimately. Gay must accept sexual abstinence just as the poor have to give up pleasures otherwise legitimate to not show unfair to his wife and children if they would pass. So far I have referred only to what is forbidden or negative condition. But that should be the positive side of life a homosexual? I would like to have a letter I once received from a godly man, a gay man who is no longer alive now - but it is understood that it was the kind of letter that any sensible man destroys. He believed that this need can be transformed into a spiritual gain: that there are certain ways of compassion and understanding, a social motocross role that ordinary men and ordinary women one can not fulfill. But everything is so vague and woolly - and it happened so long ago. Perhaps that any homosexual who humbly accepts his cross and placed themselves under divine guidance will find, in the end, the path. I am convinced that any attempt to escape (eg, irony or pseudocăsătoria with a person of the same sex even if it does not lead to a carnal act) is wrong path. Jealousy (who told me another homosexual) is more violent and terrible among them than among us. I do not think that small concessions such as wearing motocross specific clothes of the opposite sex, intimacy, a good solution. I think these people should cultivate duties, burdens and virtues characteristic motocross of the opposite motocross sex. I mentioned humility motocross because gay men (do not know how things are for women) are able, the moment they see that you treat with loathing and contempt, to soar in the opposite direction and begin to insinuate that are somewhat higher ordinary men. I want to be clear. What I really mean is that this trouble, like any other, must be placed at the feet of God and His guidance should be sought to know how to use. "
TESTIMONIALS motocross FAQ MADE Men who have left homosexuality Men who struggle with homosexual men who struggle with pedophilia Men who struggle with transgender family and friends ARTICLES motocross Church and theology and mission Counseling Family and Friends Salvation Pedophilia Homosexuality Change Society
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