Thursday, June 26, 2014

Romanians charged with double murder in the U.S. called crying mercy. U.S. promises not condemn him

Romanians charged with double murder in the U.S. called crying mercy. U.S. promises not condemn him to death Written by Mihai Niculescu Romanian who killed his wife and eldest son in the U.S. complained yesterday sobbing in front of the judges at the Court of Appeal, saying he regretted deeds and wants to be allowed to leave. Magistrates have not left impressed but crocodile tears of men aged 48 years and ordered to keep it in custody. Silk Camil's fate will be resolved but a full trial of the CAB, which is judged according to the procedures of extradition requests. U.S. authorities have already requested his extradition Camil Silk to be investigated and tried in Texas, where he committed the double murder. The request was forwarded to the U.S. Ministry of Justice of Romania, which will send it to the CAB for resolution. In Texas, for murder is punishable by death by lethal injection, but U.S. officials have shown extradition request if Silk will be taught, he will not be sentenced to death. The board came before magistrates yesterday neu Spas Court of Appeal, neu the appeal judge him against arrest by the Bucharest Court ordered last Thursday. Camil Silk was defended by a lawyer who asked sag its freedom on the grounds that it will not run and can not evade investigation. Romanian accused has executed his wife and son in their home in Cypress, Texas, listened calmly plea of defense, but he lost his temper when the presiding judge gave him the right to speak. Camil Silk burst into sobs, saying "enormous regrets" what he did. Blinded by jealousy Silk, who has American citizenship, was interviewed last week by the Court of Cassation and prosecutors neu made statements about his actions. They were used in the proposed arrest. "It showed that on the night of 10 to 11 November, after previously consumed alcohol, has decided to shoot his wife, which he did so while she slept in the marital bedroom on the ground floor house. Later in the evening of November 11, 2013, on the grounds that his son has some chronic neu illness, decided neu to shoot it as well, in which he took the gun and, while his son was sitting with his back to shot in the head, "prosecutors wrote in the document cited. Romania has also told investigators that he suspected his wife had entered into a network of prostitution, especially because it refuses to maintain intimate relations with him. Moreover, she was sending money to relatives in Romania without his knowledge, and this has fueled the anger of man. The bodies were found three days later, the youngest student at the University of Texas-Austin. Emilia neu Silk was shot several times in the bedroom, while Emanuel, who was 26, died of a single bullet shot in the head from behind. Immediately after the murders, two weeks ago, Camil Silk fled Romania, Brasov county from his mother. He told its terrible deeds his mother neu denounced the flooring so that her son was caught by police in a restaurant in Vrancea neu where spent with more friends. His name there an arrest warrant through Interpol. Roman said he just wanted to visit his mother, neu intending to return to the U.S. to answer for crimes. Mihai Niculescu
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