As mentioned earlier, the role of the Client Access Server (CAS) that is responsible trucks for sale for what. One of its key functions is. "Contact with the client to access the client's mailbox (as called Client Access Server)" as shown below. Describes the contact between the client and Exchange Server to use the services of the Exchange, whether it is reading E-mail, via outlook, using Outlook Web Access (OWA), Outlook Active Sync, Outlook Anywhere or Exchange. other Web Service (Free / Busy, Offline Address Book, POP3, IMAP) client, the first thing to be done is the "call for applications with CAS" as shown below.
From the chart that use Exchange Services and the client will need to contact the CAS first, trucks for sale whether the client from within or from outside it (see the Client Access Flow of a client from outside of it will be thrown to the Reverse Proxy. first, then forwarded to the CAS) and CAS to Mailbox talk like a gateway to access to the Exchange that it is.
But generally Large systems often have connections trucks for sale between the disciplines together. To reduce traffic usage of the Link system are interested in the Exchange Server Group by each site provides, as the Exchange Server at the DR Site or the Exchange Server at each branch connected by a private network by. can split the case into two cases: Case Exchange have 2 site (or more) with just 1 site that can communicate with the Internet (internet facing) trucks for sale if the Exchange has 2 site (or more) of the 2 site can. contact with their own Internet
From Figure trucks for sale 2, we see that the Exchange there were 2 site at Site A can communicate with the internet at the Site B can not communicate with the Internet even if User A (the mailbox is stored at Site A) contact to operate. Exchange Services, so the access into the site of its own, but if User B (the mailbox is stored at Site B) connect to the Exchange Services to the User B will have perfect connection to the CAS of Site A before (. Site B because the internet can not be removed), then the CAS Site A to Site B will talk to CAS instead (Proxy).
Be seen from both Site A and Site B can internet with either 2 site, for example, if User A (the mailbox is in Site A) would want to use OWA access URL through https://siteA. to reach the Exchange within Site A User B (the mailbox is in Site B) would have access URL to access Exchange via within Site B as well, and what would happen trucks for sale if. User A or User B the access URL with the access URL with It continued:
To contact between CAS and Mailbox, the Exchange will use the protocol RPC to talk to each other, so each site that contains Mailbox installed will be installed CAS by the Proxy, the Exchange will occur when "CAS sends traffic to the CAS. Another "will cause the Proxy of CAS will occur in the following Proxy between Exchange trucks for sale 2013 Client Access Servers, the Proxy between Exchange 2013 CAS with you happen to be in organization with multi-site, for example. The Exchange is 2 site with a site that can interact with the internet, so CAS in the site will proxy request all to CAS the site Proxy between Exchange 2013 Client Access Servers and Exchange 2010 Client Access Servers, the Proxy between Exchange. 2013 and Exchange trucks for sale 2010, it can occur in the organization, both with only 1 site (the site that has Exchange 2010 and Exchange 2013 compatibility) or organization with 2 site (eg, site A has Exchange 2010 and Site B with Exchange. trucks for sale 2013), the interface of the CAS version (coexistence) occurs when a request to the CAS 2013 CAS 2010.
The Proxying for Exchange can then be done on request of the Outlook Web App, Exchange ActiveSync, Exchange Control Panel (ECP), POP3, IMAP4, and Exchange Web Services. Been proxying to support the "contact between CAS and one to CAS instead. it by the CAS, the source and destination version of the same "or" case CAS the target version is older than the CAS the source "Note: The discussion of the CAS is to use HTTPS to talk, but CAS will not be reviewed. Shake the certificate because the certificate purpose is to bring not used to encrypt package. The CAS authentication, so it does not verify the cert name mismatch or expiration of certificate. trucks for sale
Of the explanation trucks for sale is that when User A (mailbox located on Site A) to use Exchange Services trucks for sale such as OWA access URL, then User A will have to pass the name Can access the mailbox in the same case, User B (mailbox located on Site B) To use the Exchange Services trucks for sale such as OWA access URL through with User B to be named Can not access mailbox
User access URL, but if the second offense the process is as follows, presumably to call User B use Exchange trucks for sale via a URL (the Site) on Request then sent to the CAS to CAS in site A will perform. trucks for sale correct redirect URL back to User B User B to access URL is correct. https://siteB.exc