Title: Yugo chant 55
Description: sion Yugo chorale 55 in mint condition. 4 winter tires (and spare the winter), fine motor (not a drop of oil consumes) battery is good. New exhaust, new lamps for headlights and other lights, new side, the new constant speed joints sion (original fiat) with new bellows, new wiper blades, new air filters, fuel, new oil filter and engine oil, new brake pads and cylinders and brake fluid , new seatbelts (nemacki for audio and ww), new termodavac, dekompenzaciona vessel, a new fuse. just serviced carburetor (complete). On a couple of places and peeled sion paint, but no to corrosion and heating needs to fix. Auto sales because we need a bigger car Family, otherwise only ridden on weekends and sometimes on weekdays to the store. No action is required to invest, the car has a rear seat belt because it'll drive her baby. Go and some parts of the car and of course, price is not fixed! Shall agree to.
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