RECENT ADDITIONS Uğur Kantar maids killed were evacuated War 'widow' male children into the future is preparing a suspicious soldier deaths also Çorlu Newroz Piroz BA Target; 2014, $ 2 billion arms exports "Barracks fear" from the 590b voters kickstarter go to the polls to VR -DER was at Boğaziçi University Youth Newrozu Erdogan: We are one of the 10 countries that produce warships in the Canadian military war syndrome: A suicide than VR-DER, was at Boğaziçi University Youth Newrozu
Be the VR-DER Regulation Membership Support Our Publications Video & Photo Gallery Links Contact Conscientious Objection Conscientious objection is? Historical Process of Legal Status Signature kickstarter Campaign for Conscientious Objection releases in chronological order, according to the blog name as well as Frequently Asked Questions consult an attorney Agenda kickstarter view
VR-DER, was at Boğaziçi University Youth Newrozu
UN Secretary-General kickstarter Ban Ki-moon's report of armed opposition groups accused recruit children, these children logistical tasks or used in battle, he said.
The United Nations (UN) issued a report in Syria, the Western-backed opposition armed groups in neighboring countries, refugee children use, while stating that the Syrian government is "rebels" s relations with children tortured, he said.
According to the report, when the fighting began in March 2011 Syrian troops from grave violations of children in the area was largely responsible. But later, when the opposition intensified conflict with armed groups responsible for abuses against children was held.
UN both sides in previous reports kickstarter found in the grave violations against children accused but the first time the UN Security Council, detailing the extent of the problem. This report includes the area between March 1, 2011 to November 15, 2013.
Ban Ki-moon recruitment of children by the education system or the environmental pressure due to the lack of job opportunities is encouraged. The UN, Western-backed Free Syrian Army (FSA) and uses that recruits children kickstarter in Syria have reliable information kickstarter that was recorded.
Ban Ki-moon, kickstarter relations with government forces or the opposition skeptical that these children get free from arbitrary detention, arrest, torture and use them as human shields accused.
Conscientious Objection Association, March 19, 2014 on Wednesday (tomorrow) which will be held at Bogazici University dödef the call of the Youth Newroz / Ciwan Newroz participate and between 14.00-16.00 in the South Campus, "Conscientious Objection" on a interview will take place. CHOOSE CIVIL ones (Movie)
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